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Have any Questions? +01 123 444 555

Verena Augustin

Director Experience Consulting PwC

#innovation #gründen #entrepreneurship #startup #leadership #management #netzwerken #empowerment #mentorin



Verena has been active in user-centered innovation for +20 years with a history of projects across multiple industries in the area of user experience, tangible and digital user interaction, digital strategy, research, innovation and service design.
Verena has been leading PwC Experience Consulting since 2020. She joined PWC with the integration of her own Design & Innovation Studio IXDS into the PWC Network. She is the global driver for the Sustainable Innovation Offering and Academy Programme. Verena is a strategic and enthusiastic thinker that loves working in cross-cultural and interdisciplinary teams exploring new strategies and experimenting with new technologies to drive internal and external innovation and change products and organizations as a whole. Her passion is transforming business models & product- service innovation towards a sustainable future. She regularly takes on guest professorships and lecturing activities, supports start-ups and founders and is active in the service design and new work community.


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