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From patient to healthtech pioneer, she fearlessly led the charge to bridge the gender data gap. With their startup, they have developed an innovative method for menstrual blood analysis

Isabelle Guenou, co-founder of theblood

Without a background in healthcare, Isabelle decided to close the gender data gap as co-founder of the blood. With their startup, they have developed their own method to test menstrual blood. By using menstrual blood they provide unprecedented data. Read in the  interview what led Isabelle to found a health tech startup and what she emphasized especially at the beginning of her journey.

What inspired you to focus on female health?

My inspiration to focus on female health stems from my personal journey. I encountered numerous challenges and a long path to my diagnosis of endometriosis. This experience motivated me to address the unmet needs in female health, particularly in the field of FemTech/HealthTech, and work towards improving the healthcare experience for women.

What advice would you give to someone interested in starting a business in the health tech sector?

For someone interested in launching a health tech startup, my advice would be to start by identifying a real, pressing problem within the healthcare industry. Collaborate with healthcare professionals and potential users to understand their needs thoroughly. Additionally, don't underestimate the value of mentorship and guidance from experienced professionals in the field.

How do you test and validate your ideas in the early stages of your founding journey?

In the early stages of my founding journey, I placed a strong emphasis on validation and testing. This involved gathering feedback from potential users, conducting surveys, and running pilot programs to gauge the effectiveness of our solutions. Grace played a crucial role in this process, providing valuable insights and helping me refine my ideas.

How did the support from Grace contribute to the growth and success of your startup?

Grace has been an invaluable source of support for me as a FemTech/HealthTech founder. At the outset of my entrepreneurial journey, Grace was instrumental in providing guidance and mentorship. I sought both team and individual coaching sessions at Grace, which significantly helped me develop the necessary skills and insights to navigate the challenges of the healthcare technology sector. Their support has contributed significantly to the growth and success of my startup, enabling me to better address the needs of women in the healthcare landscape


Thank you Isabelle for the Interview! We are happy to have you on Board as a Grace Alumna. 


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